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Beech Hill Primary School

Ensuring all children feel happy, safe and loved

Latest Attendance Figures

The weekly winners with a whopping 99.3% attendance and winners of the extra playtime are 6TL! Well done to the Giant Pandas! 


Attendance is up on previous weeks. Thank you for making sure your children are in school every day, achieving and having fun. 


Class and attendance

F2A 93.3%

F2B 94.7%

1KJ 96.7%

1D 89.7%

2G 90.3%

2MR 98.6%

3W 97.7%

3B 93.1%

4M 96%

4HM 96.3%

5RW 95%

5MA 97.2%

6TL 99.3%

6MW 94.7%

SCHOOL 95.2%