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Beech Hill Primary School

Ensuring all children feel happy, safe and loved

Valour Multi Academy Trust

Beech Hill Primary School is part of the Valour Multi Academy Trust led by our CEO Dame Nicola Stephenson.

‘’ Children are at the heart of Valour Academy. All adults know the children and their communities well. All staff are welcoming, friendly,  organised, and supportive, with calm and inviting safe spaces for families and children. They are very clear on the priorities, with developed systems in place to move on strategically. Leadership is very well developed, with future leaders identified to support succession planning. Leaders know where the good practise is and share within the Academy. The very clear systems in place ensure that the Academy is more than ready to support and challenge other schools and their leaders, to improve chances for children and their communities. Well being of staff is a priority alongside the personal development of all children, which is interwoven into everything they carry out’’.

Gillian Tawse

School Improvement Partner (SIP)