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Beech Hill Primary School

Ensuring all children feel happy, safe and loved

Keeping healthy in school

How do we encourage your children to be healthy? We thought you’d be interested to hear some of the ways in which we promote a healthy lifestyle at Beech Hill Primary.


  • Fruit is available on both yards for children every break time.
  • In addition to our normal PE lessons, we invite coaches into school to offer additional activities. Over the last year this has included street dance, multi skills, tag rugby and basketball.
  • A free school meal is available to all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.
  • All children in the school took part in free taster sessions of Karate from the GKR Karate organisation.
  • Our fantastic free residential trips to the Lake District and Cumbria for Years 4, 5 and 6 have given the children the opportunity to take part in some challenging outdoor activities. We hope these experiences have given the children a life-long love of being outdoors in the fresh air.    
  • Year 4 children have weekly swimming lessons, building their strength as well as teaching them skills which could one day save their lives. 
  • Year 3 children have taken part in Phunky Food workshops where they learn about different aspects of healthy eating each week.
  • Teachers offer after school clubs such as dance, fun fit, football and gymnastics.
  • Our Gardening Club and Eco Club give children the chance to play and explore our outdoor areas, as well as learning how to grow healthy food in our polytunnel and garden boxes. 
  • We have taken all the children in the school on a Walking Bus tour of West Denton to encourage walking to school instead of coming by car. 
  • We have an annual Sports Day with a mixture of fun and challenging events to which parents are invited.
  • Year 5 have visited West Denton Primary to use their bike track and learn cycling skills. 
  • Beech Hill is very lucky to have such large playing fields. In Spring and Summer when the grass is dry, the children have plenty of room to play and explore at break and lunch times.    


Also, Beech Hill will be working alongside the school nurse this year to deliver additional PSHE lessons including keeping our hands clean, looking after our teeth, looking after our bodies including changes in our bodies, our relationships, food and saying no to smoking.