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Beech Hill Primary School

Ensuring all children feel happy, safe and loved

Parent Questionnaire 2016

At our recent parents' evenings, you very kindly gave us your feedback about our school by filling in our parent questionnaires. First of all we would like to thank you for taking the time to complete the questionnaire - it is very helpful for us to read what you think we do well and in which areas you think we can improve. 

Secondly, we would like to share the results of the questionnaire with you.


1. My child likes school.


2016: 99.3% Strongly agreed or agreed.


2015: 100% Strongly agreed or agreed

(0.7% decrease – 1 vote)


2016: 76% Strongly agreed

2015: 61% Strongly agreed


2. My child is making good progress.


2016: 100% Strongly agreed or agreed.

2015: 100% Strongly agreed or agreed.


3. The behaviour in school is good.


2016: 99.3% Strongly agreed or agreed.

2015: 100% Strongly agreed or agreed

(0.7% decrease – 1 vote)

2016: 78.3% Strongly agreed

2015: 66% Strongly agreed


4. Bullying is not tolerated in school.


2016: 100% Strongly agreed or agreed.

2015: 100% Strongly agreed or agreed.


5. If my child has behaviour difficulties the school manages them well and keeps me informed.


2016: 100% Strongly agreed or agreed.

2015: 100% Strongly agreed or agreed.


6. Teaching is excellent.


2016: 100% Strongly agreed or agreed.

2015: 100% Strongly agreed or agreed.



7. I am kept well informed about how my child is getting on; such as school reports and parents’ evenings.


2016: 100% Strongly agreed or agreed.

2015: 100% Strongly agreed or agreed.


8. I feel comfortable about approaching the school with questions or a problem.


2016: 100% Strongly agreed or agreed.

2015: 97.6% Strongly agreed or agreed.


(2.4% decrease – 3 votes)


2016: 80.3% Strongly agreed

2015: 74% Strongly agreed


9. Staff expect my child to work hard and do his or her best.


2016: 100% Strongly agreed or agreed.

2015: 100% Strongly agreed or agreed.


10. The school is well led and managed.


2016: 99.3% Strongly agreed or agreed.

2015: 100% Strongly agreed or agreed.

(0.7% decrease – 1 vote)



2016: 76.3% Strongly agreed

2015: 68% Strongly agreed


11. Staff treat my child with respect.


2016: 100% Strongly agreed or agreed.

2015: 100% Strongly agreed or agreed.



12. The school seeks the views of parents and takes account of their suggestions and concerns.


2016: 99% Strongly agreed or agreed.

2015: 98.5% Strongly agreed or agreed.

(0.5% decrease – 2 votes)


2016: 63.5% Strongly agreed

2015: 58% Strongly agreed


13. Staff explain how I can help my child at home and involve me in their education.


2016: 99.5% Strongly agreed or agreed.

2015: 99.3% Strongly agreed or agreed.

(0.2% decrease – 1 vote)


2016: 75.3% Strongly agreed

2015: 64% Strongly agreed


14. If my child has special needs the school supports their learning and I am involved in progress meetings.


2016: 100% Strongly agreed or agreed.

2015: 100% Strongly agreed or agreed.



15. The school provides appropriate homework.


2016: 97.7% Strongly agreed or agreed.

2015: 100% Strongly agreed or agreed.

(2.3% decrease – 3 votes)


2016: 68.4% Strongly agreed

2015: 62% Strongly agreed


16. I think the school provides an attractive, stimulating environment in which my child can learn.


2016: 100% Strongly agreed or agreed.

2015: 98% Strongly agreed or agreed.



17. There is a good range of extra-curricular activities that my child finds interesting and enjoyable.


2016: 98.6% Strongly agreed or agreed.

2015: 100% Strongly agreed or agreed.

(1.4% decrease – 2 votes)


2016: 77.3% Strongly agreed

2015: 73% Strongly agreed


18. The arrangements for my son or daughter to settle in when he or she started at the school were good.


2016: 100% Strongly agreed or agreed.

2015: 100% Strongly agreed or agreed.


19. I am aware and proud of the school’s successes.


2016: 100% Strongly agreed or agreed.

2015: 100% Strongly agreed or agreed.



20. I am aware of the school’s areas for improvement in 2016-17 such as children reaching the expected level in spelling and maths and character building.


2016: 98% Strongly agreed or agreed.

2015: 100% Strongly agreed or agreed.

(2% decrease - 3 votes)


2016: 65% Strongly agreed

2015: 63% Strongly agreed


21. My child is safe in school and is taught about how to stay healthy and safe out of school, eg. Avoiding cyber bullying, road safety.


2016: 99.3% Strongly agreed or agreed.

2015: 100% Strongly agreed or agreed.


(0.7% decrease – 1 vote)


2016: 73.3% Strongly agreed

2015: 63% Strongly agreed


22. I know who to contact in school if I had a safeguarding concern or a child protection concern.


2016: 95% Strongly agreed or agreed.

2015: 99% Strongly agreed or agreed.

(4% decrease – 7 votes)


2016: 72% Strongly agreed

2015: 63% Strongly agreed


We have maintained or improved our performance in 11 of the 22 areas. (Questions 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 14, 16, 18, 19).


In 11 of the 22 areas, 100% of parents agreed or strongly agreed.


In 11 of the 22 areas, there has been a decrease in the overall percentage. In 6 of these 11 areas, the percentage decrease is less than 1%.  


Questions 8, 15, 17, 20, 22 showed a decrease of more than 1%.


In all 11 areas where our overall percentage decreased, the number who voted ‘strongly agree’ increased compared to 2015.


Below is a download showing the full results of the parent questionnaire.