Parent Questionnaire 2015
We also sent a questionnaire to all of our families who are new to Early Years, the results are as follows;
- 100% of families reported that their child had settled well in Nursery/Reception
- Of those parents who attended the welcome meeting 100% reported that they found the meeting useful.
- 100% of nursery parents reported that they found the home visit process useful.
When asked what we do well parents said;
“Helping my child settle in after becoming really unsettled in her old play group.”
“The staff are not only good with the children but also us parents – very welcoming and open.”
“Very friendly and approachable staff.”
“Homework is good to be able to be involved at home.”
“The children are all welcomed in really well. Showing parents how to support at home is really good too.”
When asked if there was anything the children do not enjoy, the most common answer was “Home time as their children would love to stay longer!”