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Beech Hill Primary School

Ensuring all children feel happy, safe and loved

Parent Questionnaire 2018

My child likes school.


2018: 100% Strongly agreed or agreed.

2017: 100% Strongly agreed or agreed.



My child is making good progress.


2018: 99.1% Strongly agreed or agreed.

2017: 100% Strongly agreed or agreed.




The behaviour in school is good.


2018: 100% of the parents who said the question applied to their child strongly agreed or agreed.

2017: 100% Strongly agreed or agreed.



Bullying is not tolerated in school.


2018: 100% of the parents who said the question applied to their child strongly agreed or agreed.

2017: 100% Strongly agreed or agreed.



If my child has behaviour difficulties the school manages them well and keeps me informed.


2018: 18% of parents said the question did not apply to them.

Of the remaining 82%, 99% Strongly agreed or agreed.

2017: 25% of parents said the question did not apply to them.

Of the remaining 75%, 100% strongly agreed or agreed.




Teaching is excellent.


2018: 99.1% Strongly agreed or agreed.

2017: 100% Strongly agreed or agreed.



I am kept well informed about how my child is getting on; such as school reports and parents’ evenings.


2018: 100% Strongly agreed or agreed.

2017: 100% Strongly agreed or agreed.


I feel comfortable about approaching the school with questions or a problem.


2018: 99.1% Strongly agreed or agreed.

2017: 100% Strongly agreed or agreed.



Staff expect my child to work hard and do his or her best.


2018: 99% Strongly agreed or agreed.

2017: 99% Strongly agreed or agreed.



The school is well led and managed.


2018: 100% of the parents who said the question applied to their child strongly agreed or agreed.

2017: 99% Strongly agreed or agreed.



Staff treat my child with respect.


2018: 98% Strongly agreed or agreed.

2017: 100% Strongly agreed or agreed.



The school seeks the views of parents and takes account of their suggestions and concerns.


2018: 99% Strongly agreed or agreed.

2017: 99% Strongly agreed or agreed.


Staff explain how I can help my child at home and involve me in their education.


2018: 99% Strongly agreed or agreed.

2017: 99% Strongly agreed or agreed.



If my child has special needs the school supports their learning and I am involved in progress meetings.


2018: 33% of parents said the question did not apply to them.

Of the remaining 67%, 99% strongly agreed or agreed.

2017: 25% of parents said the question did not apply to them.

Of the remaining 75%, 100% strongly agreed or agreed.



The school provides appropriate homework.


2018: 98% Strongly agreed or agreed.

2017: 4% of parents said the question did not apply to them.

Of the remaining 96%, 100% strongly agreed or agreed.



I think the school provides an attractive, stimulating environment in which my child can learn.


2018: 99.1% Strongly agreed or agreed.

2017: 100% Strongly agreed or agreed.



There is a good range of extra-curricular activities that my child finds interesting and enjoyable.


2018: 99% Strongly agreed or agreed.

2017: 11% of parents said the question did not apply to them.

Of the remaining 89%, 100% strongly agreed or agreed.



The arrangements for my son or daughter to settle in when he or she started at the school were good.


2018: 99% Strongly agreed or agreed.

2017: 100% Strongly agreed or agreed.



I am aware and proud of the school’s successes.


2018: 100% Strongly agreed or agreed.

2017: 100% Strongly agreed or agreed.



I am aware of the school’s areas for improvement in 2018-19: To further develop the experiences and language of the children (trips, clubs, whole school vocabulary challenge); to ensure the children feel happy, safe, loved and all aspects of their wellbeing are taken care of.  


2018: 100% Strongly agreed or agreed.

2017: 4% of parents said the question did not apply to them.

Of the remaining 96%, 99% strongly agreed or agreed.