Jargon Busting
In Education, we use quite a lot of acronyms and abbreviations. PSHCE, CPD, SATs… Do you ever find yourself baffled by them? What do they all mean?
To help make things clearer, we’ve come up with a big list of abbreviations and what they stand for. We hope you find something useful in the list.
Commonly used acronyms and abbreviations
ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD Attention Deficit Disorder)
AGT Able, Gifted and Talented
AP Achievement Partner
APP Assessing Pupil Progress
APS Average Point Score
ARC Additionally Resourced Centre
ARE Age Related Expectations
BSA Books/Stationery/Apparatus
CAF Common Assessment Framework
CAMHS Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service
CATs Cognitive Ability Tests
CEIAG/ IAG Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance
CPD Continuing Professional Development
CRB Criminal Records Bureau (replaced by DBS)
CVA Contextual Value Added
DBS Disclosure and Barring Service
DES Disability Equality Scheme
DfE Department for Education
DDA Disability Discrimination Act
DSP Designated Safeguarding Person
DT Design Technology
EAL English as an Additional Language
EHC Education, Health Care (Plan)
FFT Fischer Family Trust (education charity)
GDPR General Data Protection Regulation
HSE Health and Safety Executive
ICT Information and Communication Technology
IEP Individual Education Plan/Programme
IIE Investment in Excellence
INSET In Service Education and Training
L & M Leadership and Management
LAC Looked After Children
LA Local Authority
LADO Local Authority Designated Officer (Safeguarding)
LCVAP Locally Co-ordinated Voluntary Aided Programme
LLE Local Leader of Education
LSU Learning Support Unit
MFG Minimum Funding Guarantee
MFL Modern Foreign Languages
NGA National Governors’ Association
NLE National Leader of Education
NLG National Leader of Governance
NPQH National Professional Qualification for Headship
NQT Newly Qualified Teacher
OFSTED Office for Standards in Education
OSC Out of School Clubs (or ASC – After School Clubs)
PAN Published Admissions Number
PFI Private Finance Initiative
PGCE Post Graduate Certificate in Education
PLASC Pupil Level Annual School Census
PM Performance Management
PPA Planning, Preparation and Assessment
PRU Pupil Referral Unit
PSA Parent Support Adviser
PSHCE/PSHE Personal, Social, Health (and Citizenship) Education
PTA Parent Teacher Association
QCDA Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency
R & R Recruitment and Retention
RAISE Raising Achievement in School Education
SACRE Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education
SATs Standard Assessment Tasks
SBM School Business Manager
SEAL Social and Emotional Aspects to Learning
SEF Self Evaluation Form
SEND / SENCO Special Educational Needs and Disabilities / Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator
SENTASS Special Educational Needs Teaching and Support Service
SFVS Schools Financial Value Standard
SIMS School Information and Management System
SIP / SDP / SP School Improvement Plan / School Development Plan / School Plan
SIS School Improvement Service
SLA Service Level Agreement
SLE Specialist Leader of Education
SMSC Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural
SMT Senior Management Team
SSSR Supported School Self Review
TaMHS Targeted Mental Health in Schools
T & L Teaching and Learning
TLR Teaching and Learning Responsibilities
VA Voluntary Aided
VA Value Added
VC Voluntary Controlled