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Beech Hill Primary School

Ensuring all children feel happy, safe and loved

Preparing for the future

How do we prepare your children for the future? Here are a few ways in which we inspire the children to think about their future studies and careers.


  • Transition days to local high schools: We help the children prepare for making the move to their next school by arranging visits to local high schools. Here the children have opportunity to meet new teachers and spend time in their new surroundings. Local head teachers such as Mr Sampson from Walbottle Campus have also come into school to talk in assembly to Year 6 children.
  • Adults come into assembly to talk about their jobs to maybe inspire the children to follow int heir footsteps. These visitors have included a chef, a scientist, a policemen and an international rugby star.
  • At the end of each school year, before the children move into their next class, we ask the children to pick out their dream and their goal for the next year. We then display these in our classrooms to we can see what the children would like to do with their futures, and what they hope to get out of the next year at school.  
  • Our Year 6 children pay visits to our local residential home, Lincrest Court. Here, they spend time talking and playing games with the residents. This prepares the children for their future as they may go on to have jobs which involve working with, or caring for, elderly members of the community.  
  • Enterprise – as part of our Christmas Fair, children help to make, often by cooking, goods to sell on our stales. Older children also help to run the stores. This teaches the children important skills such as communication and handling money.  
  • The renewal of our Basic Skills award combined with our excellent SATs results shows that we send children forward from Beech Hill equipped with the literacy and numeracy skills needed for a successful future. 
  • We have been awarded for our teaching of Business and Enterprise by Warwick University.
  • Years 2 and 6 have taken part in a Primary Engineering project to design and build models.
  • Year 3 have worked alongside architects from Ryder Architecture, the company behind Newcastle City Library, to design Chocolate Factories as part of their Chocolate topic.
  • Year 6 have visited Northumbria University to take part in workshops. We hope these visits will inspire the children to take their education forward and one day attend university themselves.