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Beech Hill Primary School

Ensuring all children feel happy, safe and loved

Newburn Manor Primary

At Newburn Manor We have a lively and engaging curriculum which is underpinned by strong family and community links.  There is a very positive ethos of support and encouragement and children genuinely want the best for one another.  We have a pastoral system of family groups which meet together regularly.  We have a very knowledgeable and experienced staff team which is highly focussed on developing the children’s love of enquiry and exploration of the world around them through practical first hand experiences – we offer 3 Residential visits a year and have as many visits and visitors as funds allow!


The school aims:

  • to provide a happy and secure atmosphere in which each child, through purposeful activity, will be motivated to learn and develop mentally and physically according to his/her ability; it seeks to encourage the development of a responsible attitude in every child towards school, work and leisure
  • to help each child to develop a sense of self-discipline and respect for and tolerance of others
  • to maintain and foster links with the community in order that community involvement can be
  • an integral part of the curriculum
  • to lay foundations upon which the whole future of the child will be based
  • We are very proud of our school and the achievements of our pupils above all children tell us they feel happy, safe and love coming to school.