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Beech Hill Primary School

Ensuring all children feel happy, safe and loved

Leading Parent Partnership Award

In January 2014, we were awarded the Leading Parent Partnership Award. This award, which we are very proud of, recognises the work we do in school in partnership with parents and carers. We could not have won this award without the fantastic support that we recieve from you.


From coffee mornings to pupil progress meettings, from helping on trips to giving up your time to learn new skills in school, there are so many ways in which you have contributed to this award.


By working together, we can continue to improve the children's education and we are delighted that our efforts have been recognised by the LPPA.


If you would like further information about the LPPA, then please click on the link below.

You can read a copy of our LPPA report from 2014 by clicking on the download below. 

We would like to hear your views about:

  • Courses, workshops or activities that you would like us to run in school for adults and/or children.
  • Comments and suggestions about how we can continue to work in partnership with you.
  • Suggestions about how we can improve the way we communicate with you.