Year 6
- Year 6, Art -Drawing
- Year 6, Computing, Digital literacy
- Year 6, DT, Autumn
- Year 6, History, Anglo Saxons and Vikings
- Year 6, Music, Happy
- Year 6, RE Belonging - Islam
- Year 6, Spanish At school.
- Year 6, Geography - Local Area.pdf
- Year 6, P.E. Athletics - Autumn 1.pdf
- Year 6, P.E. Gymnastic - Autumn 2.pdf
- Year 6 Family and relationships.pdf
- Year 6 Health and wellbeing.pdf
- Year 6, Science - Group and classify living things.pdf
- Year 6, Science - States of matter.pdf
- Literacy, Scheme of work, Spring Term.pdf
- Numeracy, Scheme of work Year 6, Spring.pdf
- Art, Painting, Year 6, Spring.pdf
- Computing, Spreadsheets, Spring Year 6.pdf
- DT, Shelters Year 6, Spring.pdf
- History, Crime and Punishment, Spring, Year 6.pdf
- Geography, Year 6, Spring.pdf
- Music, You’ve Got A Friend, Spring
- PE Gymnastics Spring Year 6.pdf
- Y6 Citizenship.pdf
- Y6 Safety and the changing body.pdf
- RE, Importance of Worship, Year 6, Spring.pdf
- Science, Y6 - Diet, drugs and lifestyle.pdf
- Science, Y6 - Light.pdf
- Science, Y6 - Sustainability – Light pollution.pdf
- Science, Y6 - The circulatory system.pdf
- Spanish, The weekend, Spring
- Literacy, Scheme of work, Summer Term.pdf
- Mathematics, Scheme of work, Summer term, Year 6
- Art, Sculpture, Summer, Year 6.pdf
- Computer Science, Python, Summer 1, Year 6 .pdf
- DT, Mechanisms, Summer, Year 6.pdf
- History, Benin, Summer, Year 6.pdf
- Geography, National Parks, Summer 1, Year 6.pdf
- Music and Me, Summer, Year 6.pdf
- PE, Summer 1, Year 6.pdf
- PSHE Transition, Summer Term, Year 6
- PSHE Identity, Summer Term, Year 6
- PSHE, Economic wellbeing, Summer, Year 6.pdf
- Spanish, Me in the world, Summer, Year 6.pdf