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Beech Hill Primary School

Ensuring all children feel happy, safe and loved


Spring 1 - This half term we will be looking at the character trait of ‘responsibility’. The children will be exploring what they are responsible for and aim to take on new responsibilities in class, school and at home. Children we be encouraged to talk about how they are responsible for their own actions and how it is important to be honest and also strive to make positive changes.
Our home challenge this half term is for the children to take on an additional responsibility at home. We would love to see pictures of your child completing their challenge uploaded to Tapestry or Dojo, so we can celebrate their achievements at school.
These responsibilities could be
• responsibility for a house chore/ keeping room tidy
• looking after a pet/ plant
• being in charge of recycling in the house
• reading with a younger sibling weekly
• working towards a particular goal
• own behaviours and attitude

Miss Farnham and Mrs Gourley