Attendance in school is MANDATORY. Every day a child is absent impacts on their education.
We have a Basketball Themed attendance table and the class with the highest attendance at the end of each half term will have movie afternoon with hot dogs.
We are also continuing with Birthday Bonus – if it is your birthday you can choose to wear your own clothes for the day. If your birthday is at the weekend you can wear your own clothes on Friday, if it is during the holiday you can wear your own clothes on the Friday before we break up.
Children, whose attendance is above 95%, will be given the opportunity to represent the school at events. Children whose attendance is less than 95% may not be offered this opportunity to represent the school as it is imperative they do not miss any aspect of their education that may impact on their academic potential.
If your child’s attendance falls below 92% we will be inviting you into school to discuss strategies to support you and your child. If there is no improvement and evidence of illness is not produced, we will refer to the Attendance Service for legal monitoring.
If your child is going to be absent from school, please ensure that you contact the school office or Mrs Woodward, Attendance Officer as soon as possible to give the reason for the absence. If your child is absent, please provide evidence of this. This includes medical evidence such as Hospital letters, photos of prescriptions, photos of text messages showing appointments etc.
Communication with Mrs Woodward is important. If you have any queries or issues regarding attendance please contact her via the school office.
From September 2018 we will be requesting that the Local Authority issue penalty notices for holidays taken during term time.