Ted The Educational Dog
Meet Ted, our school dog
We'd like you to meet Ted, The Educational Dog. Ted is our school dog. You may be wondering how our school has its own dog. Let us tell you why...
Back in the Spring of 2015, when the country was in the grip of General Election fever, we decided to teach the children about politics and elections by asking them to form their own political parties. Led by Year 6, each party of children decided what their policies would be and what they'd like to see change about our school. The different parties pitched their ideas in assembly to the whole school. Every child in the school was then given a vote, which they popped into a ballet box in a voting booth, just like adults do at real elections.
The winning party at our school election asked if we could have a school dog. We respected the result of the election and set about finding a dog for our school.
After a few weeks of research, Dame Stephenson found Ted, a gorgeous little English Springer Spaniel.
Ted comes into school every day and is looked after at night by Mrs Morren. He comes into lessons and sits with the children. He loves story time and sometimes has a little nap in the classroom. Ted is much loved by the children. The teachers take turns to take him for a walk at lunchtime.
We can't imagine our school without our Ted.